Looking for a SEO Company? Heres an Affordable SEO Checklist You Can Use

Tips for looking for a SEO Company
Looking for an affordable SEO company is a daunting task for many. Not only is the internet teaming with rogue SEO companies but the easiest way for them to lure innocent clients is for them to offer cheap services. SEO services are not seasonally dependent and when you do choose an affordable SEO consultant, it is important to have a guide to ensure they are not cutting corners during service delivery. Here are some questions that potential SEO companies should answer.

1. How do you get the right keywords?

The intention here is to confirm the SEO consultant’s research procedure when narrowing down to the right keywords to use for any SEO project. Keywords are vital in SEO and should form the foundation for all subsequent work. It is important that it is done well.

2. How will you do an effective on-page SEO setup for my website?

SEO consultants should cover some basics when optimizing a web page for search engines. One of the key things is to ensure you have proper navigation in place. The next thing is to have cross-linked content pages wherever possible. To ensure that your site is well indexed, your SEO consultant should ensure that your page has a site index, and also that your images have the keywords or key phrases in the ALT tag.

3. How do you ensure you have quality content creation?

Most search engine algorithms put a lot of weight into quality content creation. From this question you should identify whether you can come into an agreement with your SEO consultant so that your site is regularly updated with content that has the right keyword density.

4. Do you supplement organic search results with an online marketing strategy?

Web sites should also leverage online marketing strategies to complement their efforts at improving their search results through organic search. It is proven that both approaches are vital.

By Dr. Ataollah Etemadi