10 SEO Tips To Get You Started

10 SEO tips to get you started
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), continues to produce consistently good results for many websites. These websites can get consistent traffic if their Search Engine Optimization plans are in line with search engine best practice

1. Check Your Current Rank

The best way to improve something is to check its current condition. That also applies to websites and SEO. Checking how a website ranks on Google can result in a better understanding of where the most traffic is coming from, and also measures what the current SEO efforts-if any-have done for the website.
Additionally, webmasters are able to see which words in their niche are being used to find the website.

2. Use Relevant Keywords

Whether a website has been using the right keywords for SEO, or is just initiating the process, a keyword research strategy should be considered from the onset.
With a well conducted research, answers to can be found for the best relevant keywords, the types of words that the competition is benefiting from, and some new words/trends that a business can make use of.

3. Linking Back To Your Own Archive Articles

When creating content, it is usual for some information that you have written about before to resurface. Take these chances as opportunities to link back to the archived articles, increasing traffic to those articles.
The anchor text for these articles should also be Search engine friendly. The idea that this approach makes use of is that the more relevant keywords appear on a page, the higher such a page ranks on search engine results.

4. Creating A Sitemap

Webmasters should ensure they have a sitemap that can serve as a guide forSearch Engine robots that index websites regularly. There are some ingenious ways to create sitemaps based on the Sitemap Protocol, including the use of sitemap generators. Alternatively, webmasters can create sitemaps before they create websites.

5. Searchable URLs

The URLs that are assigned to a website should be search engine friendly. Attention should be given to ensure that the URLs do not create duplicate content issues. Very long URLS can also hurt usability or click through rates and may get cut off by social media applications, which are vital for ranking now.
Social Media Distribution remains critical when it comes to distributing links to fresh content. This approach multiplies the number of places that online audiences see your content.

6. Conduct A Aontent Audit

Webmasters should conduct a thorough content audit to ensure that for the keyword query they rank for, they have adequate, high quality, sharable content.

7. Site Content Cleanup

With the website metrics, it is easy for webmasters to consider what type of traffic is received and the specific target pages. With this information in redundant non converting information can be removed.

8. Use Of Compelling Titles And Descriptions

Once websites make it to the first page on the search engine result pages, it takes compelling titles and descriptions to increase the click through rates. Adequate title and description should show people the benefits of clicking through to a page.

9. Incorporate Social Sharing

Search engines and people online now consider social signals as a key indicator of the kind of content that a website has. As a result, having updated social media profiles and social commentary that feeds into a website are key.

10. Marketing Your Content

Once a website creates content, the next step should be to market it to the various platforms where they can get traffic from. Some of the ways to do this is to create an FAQ, share links to other articles on a blog and crease an RSS feed so that visitors can subscribe to receive updates on the latest content.

By Dr. Ataollah Etemadi